Advanced Protection Course Overview
Receiving your Assignment; what you will need to know
- Celebrity Protection & Touring
- Dignitary Protection (Politicians & Executives)
- Working Internationally
- Behavioral Intelligence
Working the Principle (level II)
- Individual formations
- Team formations
- Observation skills
- Arcs of responsibility for each member of the team
- Principle control and counter action drills
- Cover & evacuation drills
Security Advance & Threat Assessments
- Building your “Go” bag
- How to conduct a successful advance
- How to conduct a threat assessment
- Understanding route cards & counter surveillance
- Tour Advances For Entertainment Clients
Close Quarters Combat & Defensive Tactics
- Hands on CQC
- vs. Knives & Small Arms
Vehicle Movements (level II)
- VIP Security Driving
- Vehicle formations
- Embus / debus of vehicle with Principal
- Convoy Movements
- Vehicle Engagements
- Private Aviation
Weapons Training (level II)
- Weapon safety
- Weapons training (small arm & long guns)
- Movement drills in a team setting
- Carrying a concealed weapon
- Less than lethal
- Force On Force Training
- Time & Distance
Marketing Yourself Internationally
- Marketing in the Internet Age
- How to find & keep a job in the industry
- Industry Associations to keep you in the Market
- Etiquette & Dress